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Services and Rates


All services include additional support via text and email, as appropriate.

Please note, one session could include multiple services, depending on individual needs.


Animal Communication Sessions

I  love communicating with animals as they are constant teachers. Typically, I receive communications through strong emotions, physical sensations, words and pictures. During a session, the pet parent provides me with questions for their animal (living or transitioned). Once I make a heart to heart connection with the pet, I'm able to share information, emotions, opinions, concerns and more from the animal. My goal in communication sessions is to be a trusted translator for both animal and human. Sometimes, all an animal needs is to feel heard. With the input from your pet, we will work together as a group to develop a plan to help him or her progress forward.

Sessions are typically done via video phone call. In-person sessions can be arranged when needed.  


$125 per 1-hour session

$80 per 30-minute session

$40 per 10-15 minute "quick, check-in" session (used mostly for lost pets; health/body scans; single questions)


Healing Touch for Animals (HTA)

I am a Healing Touch for Animals Practitioner. HTA is an incredible type of energy therapy that enhances relaxation to release endorphins and promote healing within an animal. Through mostly hands-off techniques, I work as a conduit between the animal and universal energies to provide balance. The animal's highest good is always at the forefront of this energy therapy. This type of therapy should be paired with your veterinarian's treatments to meet physical, behavioral, mental, emotional and end-of-life needs. For additional resources on HTA, visit Please feel free to ask me questions as well.

Sessions can be distance or in-person, as appropriate.  


$150 per session These sessions also include full Animal Communication as we work through the energy therapy.


Euthanasia Support 

Animal Communication and Healing Touch for Animals (HTA) techniques are used to help a pet transition peacefully. During a euthanasia appointment, I will first provide the pet and parent(s) the opportunity to speak through animal communciation. This is a wonderful chance to freely speak with one another despite strong emotions, as I lovingly work as the translator between you all. Then, I will perform a HTA technique that will balance the pet's energy system and allow for the soul to transition smoothly. Once HTA has been completed, the vet will perform the euthanasia protocol. Approximately one week later, I will communicate with the pet to ensure transition has been completed and all is well. If further transition help is needed, I will provide that as appropriate. 


Current Clients: Free

New Clients: Will first need to schedule a regular paid session to introduce the animal to me, communication and HTA energy therapy. This will allow the pet to relax and not be confused about who I am and what we're doing during the euthanasia appointment. 


Raindrop Technique for Dogs & Horses

This is a technique that uses Young Living essential oils to promote health and wellness. The oils used include Valor, Oregano, Thyme, Basil, Cypress, Wintergreen, Marjoram, and Peppermint. The Raindrop Technique offers support at a cellular level to the immune, muscular, circulatory, lymphatic, nervous, digestive, and respiratory systems. It also provides joint and skeletal support. A relaxation response is usually seen during/after a Raindrop is performed. 


An Emotional Raindrop can also be performed for dogs and horses. This technique is used with animals experiencing mental/emotional/spiritual issues such as anxiety, depression, grief, healing from trauma and much more. It uses emotionally-based Young Living essential oils such as Frankincense, Grounding, Release, T-away, Stress Away, Lavender and others as appropriate for the animal.

Raindrop sessions are done in-person only (near Columbus, OH)


$175 per session (Will include animal communication and HTA energy therapy as well)

If you would like to learn how to perform the Raindrop technique yourself, please reach out and I can share info on this (especially for those who are not in or near Columbus, OH).


Pet Soul Portrait Painting

For a Pet Soul Portrait, I will need a good, closer-up picture of the pet sent to me. Your pet and I will work very closely during their painting. I connect with the pet (living or transitioned), ask what colors best represent that individual and discuss why those colors were chosen. I use the decided upon colors to paint the pet like the picture that was sent. In addition, the animal will be given the opportunity to share a message with the receiver of the painting. This message will be written out and provided with the painting. To get an idea of my painting style, please see the examples of completed portraits under the "Photos" tab. 

Size is 8x10 canvas. An estimated due date will be given based on current schedule and individual needs.


$140 (includes materials & shipping)


Animal Communication Classes

During classes, I focus on teaching others how to build their innate ability to communicate with animals. This is your soul's natural state for communication. It's just a matter of reconnecting with it and building the skill. We will start by practicing grounding exercises and learning  how communication works. Then, we will practice communicating with animals in the room with us and animals from a distance. This class is meant as a safe place to ask questions, explore with an open mind and learn from others. Contact me directly for information on upcoming class availability and rates. 


Additional Travel Time Charge

For clients within 20 minutes of my home, there is no additional charge for in-person sessions. For clients more than 20 minutes away, there will be an additional charge of $5 per 10 minutes of travel time. The first 20 minutes of travel, there and back, will be waived.


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